Calafia Point, one of the most dangerous reefs in Baja which can deliver size and power similar to Sunset. It takes a large swell to set it in motion. Like all really good spots in Mexico it also has a set of fickle swell angles and tide combinations which need to line up in order to make it happen.
Getting in and out of the water at times can be near impossible. Being worked is a given, and one never wants to be caught inside for any reason. The lava outcroppings which extend irregularly into the surf line can create horrendous 50 yard sections of heaving fear. There is little room for error or hesitation once you commit to paddling out here. Most disasters are a result of inexperience in powerfull conditions and being severely undergunned for this calibur of surf.
What looks easy and appealing quickly changes as you hit the water and begin stroking your way outside . This is when you can really see the volume and depth of the swells as they literally unload down the point with a vengence to eliminate everything in their path. Although tubes are readily available, with the many large sections throwing like inverted fishhooks, the issue is if they will hold open long enough for one to get out of them. A single miscalculation on the inside will really ruin your day. Broken leashes and boards are testimonials to deep water swells powerfully jacking up on this irregular but scenic lava point.
These shots were taken by Daniel Ramrus during that hurricane swell last month while we were surfing meager head high plus Huntington. You can use these pics as an accurate indicator of the swell magnification which occurs just below the border. However I do stress that it is fickle, and that many times over the years I've made the run when the indicators were looking favorable, only to be skunked. This day was just starting to show at near double overhead, while the swell on Sept 9 was larger and unreal.
If you do elect to surf here, spend some time
watching before you paddle out. It pays to know precisely where you are on
the reef once you enter the water. The time spent in observation will help
you immensely if indeed you do find yourself in the wrong place at the wrong
map courtesy