my scrutiny I've found that as Surfers, and equally as KneeBoarders, we need
to reevaluate our structural foundation. My purpose here is to examine the many
underlying factors which had beached KneeBoarding at it's lowest of point credibility
within the surfing world. Along the path which I've chosen to weave, many cages
will justifiably get rattled, and the bubbles of myopic illusion will be resoundingly
burst. Mine is a thought provoking task which is sure to garner controversy
and unfortunately a great amount of ill will. So what. I'll try to leave no
stone unturned in my efforts to present a complete and accurate chronology of
the events which I have witnessed, along with the organizational aspects I have
been involved with during KneeBoardings course thus far.
concerns are for the spirit of surfing, which has few, if any, conceptual threads
linking itself with the current posturing marketed as "soul surfing"
within the mainstream publications of the surf industry, and even less with
the "progressive surfing" as defined by the competitive organizations
. I have neither the intent nor the desire to create dissension among the Brotherhood
of KneeMen, past or present. This anomaly between bristling factions predates
my cognitive awarness and was someting I learned after becoming involved in
KneeBoard surfing as an organized competitive sport. It has concerned me that
until recently there has been few willing enough to put all the cards on the
table, uncensored, with the purpose of evoking a change in the current status
for one am tired of the complacent position KneeBoarders have taken here at
home. We need a new direction and it can only come about if people speak
up and get involved with the issues that chart our future. American KneeRiding
is slowly emerging from a very deep rut but the current course of action some
are pursuing has previously proven itself to be a three time dead end. Must
we really go though all those familiar death throws once again? It is quite
apparent few were paying attention to the dynamics going on around them during
that time as most were too focused in their pursuit of the brass ring and those
cherished plastic icons. Now is the time to put aside those narcissistic dreams
of grandeur about recapturing the Glory Days. Wake up people. Get over this
penchant for repetition. Why write yet another short story. We have the power
to pen a bold new chapter.
we all know, diplomacy has this unique double edged ability where it can sever
and heal all within the same stroke. There needs to be an amicable compromise
between camps here in the US in which the agreed upon resolutions favor neither
side, but do allow for a harmonious coexistance as seperate and equally important
entities which provide independently unique safe harbors for the American KneeRider.
I'm no great fan for mincing words and even less adept with tact. Therefore,
to prevent any misconceptions, I'm making it clear that I will be realistic
and pointedly direct with both content and observations throughout this website.
If my perspective "rocks your boat", then obviously your chosen craft must not be very seaworthy.
The more KneeBoarders expand, the more we will
not fade away.
Endangered Species; The Surfer's Journal
The Australian Kneeriding Journal
An outside perspective of criticism; for what it's worth.
KneeBoarding in the US of A
A pragmatic in "country reflection" on a quarter century
of KneeBoarding in response to misinformed foriegn naionals.
USSF Implosion
Beware of the Glad Handing Men with the Smiling Faces Proclaiming Concerened Benevolence
Recent article on the continuing demise of the USSF and the loss of it's largest affiliate member. http://www.surfingthemag.com/pulse/06_10_03_ussf/
Onging synopsis of AKC progress, including recent events scrutinizing the questionable pursuit of a competitive format for some kneeriders..
A trail wrought with sleight of hand and hat tricks once again. Competition Failure
This editorial page is available for those willing to submit well written commentaries on the phenomena of KneeBoarding, past or present. Email all inquiries to the AKC website.